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Writing & Submission Guide

Writing Guide Guide to Writing DissertationI URL Online Submission Guide Submission Period : 2024.07.08.(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2024.07.17.(Sun) 16:00* Submission File (2 files) 1) An electronic file the Thesis/Dissertation (required) ※ The name of the advisor must be entered on the signature page without signature and seal 2) Scanned signature page (required) Conditional consent forms (if […]


Guide (for Undergraduates) Service Name Service Content Related Menu Link Library Access The user can enter the library using a smart card (student card, library card). Facility Access URL Open Hours URL Use of Old Books/Materials You can gain access to the original copy of the old books owned by the library. Use of Old […]

Graduate Student

Guide (for Graduate Students) Service Name Service Content Related Menu Link Library Access The user can enter the library using a smart card (student card, library card). Facility Access URL Open Hours URL Use of Old Books/Materials You can gain access to the original copy of the old books owned by the library. Use of […]


Guide (for Faculty Members) Service Name Service Content Related Menu Link Library Access The user can enter the library using a smart card (student card, library card). Facility Access URL Open Hours URL Use of Old Books/Materials You can gain access to the original copy of the old books owned by the library. Use of […]


Services for Graduates/Retired Faculty Members (Alumni) Service Name Service Content Related Menu Link Library Access Graduates can use the library after registering as an annual subscriber (annual fee). Retired Faculty Members can use the library according to the duration of their service at Korea Univ. Facility Access URL Open Hours URL Library Card Issuance URL […]

Outsider(External Users)

Services for Outsiders (External Users) Service Name Service Content Related Menu Link Library Access The users can only browse the materials/books owned by the library (including Foreign Research Information Center DDS Service). However, you cannot borrow books/materials or gain access to library facilities, and you must present your ID card. Facility Access URL Open Hours […]

Annual fee

Users Graduates and Graduate Students (including graduates of Special Graduate Schools) who wish to use the library.   Procedure 1) Fill out the application form for use the library >> Shortcut to Application 2) Deposit Annual Fee 3) Renewal of the period after checking the deposit confirmation and application(It takes 1 to 2 days, Request […]

ID Card issue

Issued to Users who wish to use the library among those who have not received a smart card at the One Stop Center. Graduates : Undergraduates & Graduate School Students (Excluding existing Smart Card holders) Short-term Users: Credit Exchange Students, Exchange Students, Lifelong Education Center Students, International Language School Students, Researchers at Affiliated Research Institutes, […]

Material Selection Guide

Korea Univ. Library Material Selection Guide In accordance with the 「Korea Univ. Library Mission」the library will collect new materials/books based on the following principles and standards. In the library, in selecting materials, the top priority must be on academic materials that are required to carry out research and educational courses that could benefit the members […]

Purchase Request

In accordance with the ‘Korea University Library Material (Data) Selection Guide,’the library will purchase & maintain academic materials that meet the research & education purpose of the school. We do not purchase textbooks (for qualification tests/license tests, etc.), material that has low academic value, materials that are focused on entertainment (fantasy novels, etc.), children’s books, […]