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Wiley Online Library & Online Reference Works 퀴즈 이벤트

퀴즈 이벤트 개요기간: 2023년 5월 1일 (월) ~ 2023년 5월 31일 (수)퀴즈명: [KERIS 대학라이선스] Wiley Online Library & Online Reference Works Quiz 2023퀴즈 URL: https://wiley.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e99JcBug64i0nbw퀴즈 문항수: 총 4개경품 (정답자 중 추첨을 통해 선정)  1등: 신세계 모바일 상품권 (10만원권, 2명)  2등: 신세계 모바일 상품권 (5만원권, 10명)  3등: 스타벅스 모바일 상품권 (1만원권, 30명)당첨자 발표: 2023년 6월 9일 […]


What is EndNote? EndNote is a research management software that allows you to collect and organize references, cite and create reference list. Features Collection/Management of References – Collecting/Managing bibliographic information (title, author, publication year, etc.).– Categorization of collected references by bibliographic information.– Find full text automatically, Setting the file name format. Creation/Editing of Citation & […]

How to use E-learning

E-learning Usage Scope You can only use this service inside the campus after logging in. Some of the contents are available even when you are outside of the campus. The video might not work in Windows XP. In this case, make sure to try again after upgrading to the latest version of Windows Media Player […]

Search & finding Guide

Library Holdings Materials such as books, serials(publications), thesis/dissertations, non-book materials, historical books, etc., can be searched using our search engine. Articles It is a meta-search system that enables you to search various types of electronic information sources such as Web DB, Electric Journal, e-Book, Encyclopedia, etc., that are subscribed by the library. The search results […]

Thesis by Department

본교 수여 석박사 학위 논문을 학과별로 볼 수 있습니다. (각 계열별 학과명 가나다순 정렬) 해당 논문들은 고려대학교 dCollection에서도 동일하게 이용 가능합니다. dCollection 바로가기 일반대학원 특수대학원 전문대학원 의학계열 일반대학원 학위논문 리스트 인문 / 사회계 Department of Business Administration Department of Economics and Statistics Department of Economics Department of Archaeology and Art History Department of Curriculum and […]


[iframe src=”https://dcollection.korea.ac.kr/myUnivAnalysis?key=211009″ scrolling=”no” width=”100%” height=”1700″ style=”position:relative;z-index:-1;pointer-events:auto;margin-top:-220px;”]

How to Use

UN Library EU Documentation Center OECD Introduction (UN Library) A library filled with documents published by the UN (i.e., Minutes of Meeting, Yearbook, Statistics, Reports, etc.). There are a total of 10 UN Libraries in Korea at this moment (National Assembly (1979), Seoul Nat. Univ (1992), Yonsei Univ. (1994), National Library (1997), Pusan Univ. (1998), […]

List by UN Institution

List by UN Institution 1. ADB: Asian Development Bank 2. CEPAL: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 3. ECA: Economic Commission for Africa 4. ECE: Economic Commission for Europe 5. ESCWA: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 6. ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 7. FAO: Food and […]

Loan, Return, Renew & Lost Items

Loan (Data/Material) After finding the material/data that you want in each library, you can identify yourself using your ID card (student card, staff card) and borrow the material/data at the automated loan/return machine However, you can only loan/return attached materials at the main desk of each library. # of Materials you can loan at once […]