Materials such as books, serials(publications), thesis/dissertations, non-book materials, historical books, etc., can be searched using our search engine.
It is a meta-search system that enables you to search various types of electronic information sources such as Web DB, Electric Journal, e-Book, Encyclopedia, etc., that are subscribed by the library. The search results will be integrated and displayed in a single interface.
We provide you with a one-touch environment where multiple DBs are searched at once, allowing you to see the search results without having to access each database separately.
The search results can be re-searched under different types of conditions such as subject, year, author, etc. This system allows you to easily gain access to the data that you want, and the results from almost every DBs can be viewed on the same screen.
Linking (LinkSource) Service
A service that allows you to efficiently utilize the electronic resources subscribed by the library at once.
By using the Linking Service: findit@KoreaUniv, which can be seen in the ‘search results’ screen of K-eArticles and other academic portal sites, you can easily move to the electronic academic DB (or journals) that provides a Full Text of the data/material that you are looking for.
In relation to the initial search results, you can also gain One-Stop access to various services provided by the library such as ‘Search Other Articles/Papers written by the same author,’ ‘Journal Citation Index,’ ‘Direct Export,’ ‘Request DDS,’ ‘Search in Web,’ etc.