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[Academic Information] [Completed] Temporarily inaccessible to the Kyobo Based Service (24/09, 00:00 ~ 09:00)

Collection Development & Management Team
2023-09-21 09:12

From 24. 09. 2023 (Sun) 09:00, the relocation to IDC was completed, and you can use the Kyobo based service normally.

Thank you for your understanding.

Access to the Kyobo Based Service will be temporarily suspended as follows.

We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

1. Detail : Suspension of Kyobo service for data center relocation to IDC 

2. Period : 24. 09. 2023 (Sun) 00:00 ~ 09:00 (9 hours)

3. Suspension Service: All Kyobo Based Service (Kyobo e-Book Library, Scholar, et al.)

* The suspension period may be shortened or extended depending on circumstances.

Inquiries: wjdyejin@korea.ac.kr / 02-3290-1474