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Reference Management Tools

What is EndNote?

EndNote is a research management software that allows you to collect and organize references, cite and create reference list.


  • Collection/Management of References

– Collecting/Managing bibliographic information (title, author, publication year, etc.).
– Categorization of collected references by bibliographic information.
– Find full text automatically, Setting the file name format.

  • Creation/Editing of Citation & Bibliography

– Cite and Create bibliography on Word
– Modify the content of the created reference + Edit output style (Citation/Reference List)

How to Use

  • Install Program downloads: Login to Library Website → Research → Workshops → Tutorials & Guides → EndNote21 Windows Mac / EndNote20 Windows Mac
※ Installation of desktop program is only available on campus
※ After create account on www.myendnoteweb.com, Data is compatible on Desktop, Website and Mobile app


  • EndNote20 Tutorial Video
List Play
1. Downloads of Install program / Install Download & Installation / Panel Introduction
2. Collect Reference Export from Library Homepage / Google Scholar / Web DB
Fulltext Import / Online Search / Direct Input
3. Reference Management Delete Duplicate Reference / Create Group
Find fulltext / Set Full Text File Name
4. Insert/Edit Citation & Bibliography Create & Modify Reference/Citation list in Word
5. Edit Output Style  
EndNote X9 tutorial video list URL
Tutorial video (English) URL

Usage Training (Education) Program

  • Apply for Library Usage Training (Korean) URL
  • –>
  • Clarivate Online training register (English) URL
  • See Online Usage Training (Korean) URL

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