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[General] [Completed] Temporary restrictions on online thesis service and archiving original text services

2023-10-18 17:11

Due to an inspection of the library's thesis dCollection system, the service of thesis and some old books will be restricted during this period.

1. Date: October 20th

2. Content: dCollection system regular patch work / UI changes

3. Affected Services: Library's thesis dCollection system

* Restrictions on the entire use of the dCollection thesis site (dcollection.korea.ac.kr) service

* Dissertation URL link to view original text / Restrictions on use of archiving original text service for old maps, old books, etc.

The inspection will be carried out as quickly as possible and service will resume as soon as it is completed. Thank you for your use and cooperation.

* Inquiries: yjlee77777@korea.ac.kr