HOME > 자료이용 > 전자책·이러닝 > 가나다 리스트 전자책·이러닝 전자책 이용안내 이러닝 이용안내 가나다 리스트 주제별 리스트 고려대 전자책 검색옵션 전체 서명 저자 출판사 ISBN 카테고리 검색 초성선택 전체 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ 기타 검색어 [ 가나다: 전체 ] (으)로 검색한 결과 페이지 번호 입력 / 123493 페이지 정렬 항목 선택 정렬항목 Relevance Title 페이지당 출력 갯수 선택 10 20 30 50 선택옵션 전송 조회 1 Streaming Video Pediatric research: laws and regulations Hirschfeld, Steven Henry Stewart Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 2 Book LLMs in Production: From Language Models to Successful Products Christopher Brousseau; Matt Sharp ISBN: 9781633437203; 9781638357254 O'Reilly Online Learning Platform: Academic/Public Library Edition 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 3 Book Beautiful Butterflies and Flowers: 20 Step-By-Step No-Sketch Projects on Watercolor Paper Shaan, Chithra ISBN: 9780760391433; 9780760391440 O'Reilly Online Learning Platform: Academic/Public Library Edition 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 4 Book Feature Engineering for Modern Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn: Mastering Data Preparation and Transformation for Robust ML Models LLC, Cuantum Technologies ISBN: 9781837026715; 9781837026708 O'Reilly Online Learning Platform: Academic/Public Library Edition 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 5 Streaming Audio Predictive Modelling for Cell Culture Processes in Biotherapeutic Manufacturing Panjwani, Shyam Henry Stewart Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 6 Book Deep Learning and AI Superhero: An in-Depth Guide to Mastering TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch, and Advanced AI Techniques LLC, Cuantum Technologies ISBN: 9781837025879; 9781837025862 O'Reilly Online Learning Platform: Academic/Public Library Edition 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 7 Book Market and Monastery: Capitalism in Manangi Trade Diaspora Ratanapruck, Prista ISBN: 9781805398455; 9781805398479 Books at JSTOR: Open Access 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 8 Book Early Media Effects Theory & the Suggestion Doctrine Parsons, Patrick ISBN: 9781951399283; 9781951399269 Project Muse Open Access ebooks 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 9 Book The Circular Bioeconomy: Institutional and Production Perspectives Pink, Małgorzata, editor ISBN: 9781032592053; 9781003453529; 9781040296639 Taylor & Francis eBooks (Open Access) 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 10 Book Accounting for Social and Environmental Sustainability: A Multi-Capital Approach Gibassier, Delphine, editor ISBN: 9781032883922; 9781032883939; 9781032884165; 9781003537533; 9781040301340; 9781040301388 Taylor & Francis eBooks (Open Access) 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 다음 페이지 → 1 - 10건 출력 / 총 1234922건 주제분류 literature & writing (general) 38566 social sciences & humanities (general) 31730 health & medicine (general) 24595 mathematics 22144 business 18368 education (general) 13778 science 13145 business (general) 11128 engineering 10956 internal medicine 10534 religion & philosophy (general) 10083 english literature 9726 history / general 9216 linguistics 8593 social science / sociology / general 8516 political science / general 8239 social science / general 8205 industrial management 7972 social science / anthropology / cultural & social 7224 law 7181 american literature 7130 literary criticism / general 7035 language arts & disciplines / linguistics / general 7012 biology 6825 physics 6639 technology & engineering / materials science / general 6625 business & economics / management 6516 public policy & administration 6398 banking, finance & investing 6325 business & economics / general 6230 education / general 6225 economic history 5922 united states history 5891 science / environmental science 5358 political science / international relations / general 5239 european history 5109 civil engineering 5054 computers / artificial intelligence / general 5009 asian history 4999 philosophy / general 4918 law / international 4782 english language 4748 psychology 4722 literary criticism / european / english, irish, scottish, welsh 4384 history of the americas 4284 united states law 4212 social science / archaeology 4175 psychology / general 4164 social welfare 4159 business & economics / economics / general 4128 개 더보기 더보기 취소 출판사 unspecified 220440 proquest umi dissertation publishing 123106 oxford university press 34327 springer 33562 cambridge university press 26114 marketline 24237 routledge 23835 oecd publications centre 15471 springer berlin heidelberg 15063 alexander street press 14422 john wiley & sons incorporated 13181 brill 12929 journal of visualized experiments (jove) 12112 de gruyter 10364 springer international publishing 9982 academic press 9476 nova science publishers incorporated 8840 packt publishing 8043 o'reilly media, inc. 7772 mdpi ag 7026 intech 6810 cambridge scholars publishing 6525 euromonitor international ltd 6122 crc press 5920 elsevier 5802 the mcgraw-hill companies, inc. 5791 national academies press 5719 princeton university press 5673 wiley 5486 university of toronto press 5414 springer netherlands 5405 state university of new york press 5229 (주)미디어한국학 5205 emerald publishing limited 4588 apress 4424 world scientific 4372 mcgraw-hill 4212 springer verlag 4203 british broadcasting corporation 4142 sage publications 4109 john benjamins publishing company 4098 university of california press 4082 mit press 3802 rowman & littlefield publishers 3785 gale 3724 vs verlag fur sozialwissenschaften (gwv) 3655 universal pictures company inc. 3620 teachers tv/uk department of education 3575 henry stewart talks ltd 3572 spie / international society for optical engineering 3270 개 더보기 더보기 취소 저장할 폴더 선택 × 전체 폴더이름 1 폴더이름 2 모달창에서는 폴더 이름이 길어지더라도 말 줄임표 없이 두줄로 표시합니다. 전체 이름이 다 보여야하기 때문입니다.